How to improve the quality of exit lock

exit lock quality standards are generally stable performance of high-quality products, but no matter how good the product has its own life, we can also export some method of quality assurance locks were in everyday use, today we and everyone to share with you, to ensure that the export lock life, and those of our method is also affirmed by the user.

1, the operation must be properly installed, especially prohibiting the use of paper hand panel installation, taping. When the wet paint on the doors do not lock installation, lock plane could cause surface damage, and there will be a long time to fade.
2, using the process, some zinc alloy with copper locks, hinges, door hinge mounted on a long time will find a "spot", this phenomenon does not belong to rust, but are oxidized, if this situation, as long as the surface of what you can remove wax spray rub spots.
3, generally recommended to choose stainless steel locks.
4, the installation is also a key lock: in strict accordance with product instructions when installing, to recognize the installation center distance, the scope and methods to open locks. Pay particular attention to the humidity can not be installed on a large wood-framed doors and prevent corrosion of harmful substances.
5, I usually clean the lock body to prevent foreign matter from entering the cylinder marbles tank, causing rolling hit the open, even the exit lock can not be opened.